- Religions being exposed for covering up child abuse is old news. Been there, done that.
- The restriction of (religious) freedom of one group may also impact many other groups (LBGT anyone). The possible ban on JW is part of Russian tendency to fight minorities, and that may be a topic with greater implcations.
- Bashing a former enemy (Russia) is always fun! Especially if it means you don't have to look at your own flaws :-\
Anders Andersen
JoinedPosts by Anders Andersen
Russian Ban exposed but not THE ARC...WHY?
by tor1500 injust your thoughts....i've been all over this site, everyone says, that if jehovah was backing the org.
then why so many things happen in the org.
child abuse, shunning, and so on....but my question or thought is why is the banning of witnesses all over the media, but the arc isn't wasn't picked up in the media, like this (oh little leaks here and there, but nothing major) nothing like the nyt or any major media venue where the friends would see it and couldn't deny it, even if they wanted to....why does the media care more about banning witnesses than child abuse...i know even if the arc was exposed many of the friends would stay, but would be shamed, because they talked about other religions...or maybe jehovah is bringing the org.
Anders Andersen
What will you be doing on the evening of the 11th ?
by Phizzy inmrs phizzy and myself will be eating out, sure in the knowledge we will not have jw's using the same restaurant.. i may have a cigar along with my brandy at the meal's end to celebrate my (our) freedom..
Anders Andersen
You are evidently of the mistaken view that Jehovah's Witnesses do not and are required to not speak to disfellowshipped persons. You are free to believe what you wish, but many spiritually-mature persons (e.g., elders and their wives) have conversations with disfellowshipped persons. I suppose it's possible that many of the things you believe to be true are not true at all.
Normally, a close relative would not be disfellowshipped for associating with a disfellowshipped person unless there is spiritual association or an effort made to justify or excuse the wrongful course." Pay Attention to Yourselves and all the Flock p.103
Conclusion: anyone having 'spiritual association' - which includes discussions on Biblical and religious topics - with a DFed person, set himself up to be DFed too.
Wt literature even claims saying 'hello' to a DFed person is an act of disobedience to God.
I'm also quite sure there has been at least one reference in JW literature that not even elders are to talk to DFed person unless the body of elders sent them on a mission, for example to try and reactivate the DFed person.
And here you are saying something like 'Elders do it so I can disobey Gods guidance too!'
Geez you don't even know the rules of your own cult.
Why are the evolutionist's so upset?
by Esse quam videri inso many evolutionist's on this forum are upset at the terror attacks in europe such as recently in sweden.
it is just a logical step in the evolution of the human race.
should you not rather be celebrating the great changes taking place right before your eyes and constructing detailed explanations of the cell structure and dna development in the human brain.. you can't eat your cake and still have it.
Anders Andersen
The evolutionist would argue that the lion had no choice in its behaviour.
The creationist would argue exactly the same. After all, most God-believers claim that free will is a feature given only to humans, not other animals.
But it's the creationist who believes it's possible for an all-loving God to create animals that can only sustain themselves by killing other animals.
Apparently God had no other option to create a world full of specialist killing 'machines' and the poor animals preyed upon?
So much for love. Your God is either incompetent or an asshole.
Or maybeyour claims are nonsense... -
I'm 90% PIMO but events in Russia made me stop and think maybe Jehovah is real and helping
by Isambard Crater ini'm at the stage where i'd love a big scandal to come along showing clearly that the j.w's are not the true religion, but sometimes i get touched inside by various thoughts or events, the russian court trial being one of them.. i mean, j.w's are understandably fixated with attending the memorial, so why didn't the court say it will resume on monday or tuesday, instead setting wednesday 12 april as the date?
part of me believes the comments from pro-j.w's that jehovah moved events so they could attend the memorial.. it seems the j.w's will not be banned, which makes my mind and heart wrestle between thinking jah's behind it, or maybe the ministry of justice is just woefully prepared compared to the superb australian royal commission team who did their homework.
it surprises me the russians seemingly haven't done any homework..
Anders Andersen
Logic fails me here.
- Religion is about to be banned.
- Trial is set for some date.
- Date is after a random religious event.
- God did it.
Questions and remarks:
- If God is so concerned about the JW, why does he allow them to be threatened in the first place?
- Maybe the JW get banned the day after the Memorial. Apparently God 'moved events' so the memorial could be held. Never mind next years memorial.
- If JW got banned before the Memorial, pro-JW would claim that this targeted persecution proves Satan is aiming his arrows at JW. They must definitely be God's chosen people.
- If trial got postponed to after summer....thank God for allowing the convention to be held....etc.
Please snap out of it. Your emotional attchment and fear blur the facts you see. JW doctrine is false in so many ways, no amount of interpreting random events as divine action can fix that.
Position of responsibilities
by bola ini remembered a time i read in the forum that it is better (especially for men) to seek positions of responsibility in the world than to seek positions of responsibility in the jw organisation.
please i do not understand that stance.
Anders Andersen
Do you remember who wrote it?
Can you copy-paste a link to that forum thread?
Without context your guess is as good as ours.
Although generally it's better to be responsible for something useful (e.g. in a company or charity) than be responsible for leading people in a useless cult...
Papal Bulla - Latest Metal Detecting Find
by cofty ini was out detecting this evening for an hour after work and found this amazing bit of history.. it is a lead seal that originated on a document from pope martin v at some time between 1417 and 1431. these official documents were called papal bulls and were dispatched to all the parishes in the medieval empire.
this example has later been made into a spindle whorl which is why it has a hole through the centre.
lead whorls were used before spinning wheels were invented to make yarn of sheep's wool.. the inscription "spaspe" stands for "sanctus paulus sanctus petrus" and the two busts are of paul and peter.. the reverse has "martinus pp.
Anders Andersen
Nice find!
I need your opinions and recommendations please.
by bola inafter my exit from the watchtower shunning cult, i have received tons of invitations from different churches.
but because i am aware of religious cults, i need recommendations of churches that are not cults at all.
after exiting the watchtower cult, i don't want to fall into another religious cults.
Anders Andersen
Religion may not even be for you. Take some time to just breathe. Armageddon isn't coming. You don't need to be saved because you're a sinner. You don't have to believe in God. It's okay to just be you.
I am an atheist and I approve of this message ;-)
Seriously though, David_Jay you never cease to amaze me with your well thought out answers, balanced viewpoints and in-depth knowledge. If only all humans would display the tolerance you spread here...
It's even more amazing considering the shallow, judgmental and black-and-white fire-and-brimstone type of thinking our former cult bestowed upon us.
How did you manage to shed all the narrow thinking? Were you always as wise as I perceive you to be?
Anyways glad to have you (back) on board...
More on-topic: if I were ever to seek out an other religion, it would probably some godless (as in without deity), non-controlling, do-good-to-everbody type of thing. Maybe Buddhism? Or Atheistic or Rationalistic Satanism (not devil worship!)? Or maybe even Unitarian Universialism? But for now I'm just fine without any god, religious creed, church or whatever. If I ever need the company of such a group, I'll contact the Sunday Assembly in my area
Russian BOE - congregations told to stop using the New World Translation
by OrphanCrow init appears like the wt's bible is no longer to be used in russia.
king james version only.
from this forum: .
Anders Andersen
My Russian isn't very good but from the original forum I'm quite sure this is an April fool's joke...
Elder doesn't know difference between new moon and full moon
by hoser intoday at the service group the elder leading couldn't figure out which was which.
he was trying to convince us that the memorial was at the new moon.
Anders Andersen
Yeah well I dunno bout it either.
At one place Bible says the moon will be forever (you know, because it's made of diamonds or something?)
At another place Bible says new heaven will come. Probably new moon included?
New covenant. New heavens. New moon. Makes sense, right?
Mathematically Measuring Evolution.
by towerwatchman inmathematically measuring evolution.. when judging relationships in terms of morphological characteristics we will always be bound by the subjective.
morphologically one cannot exactly measure the distance between two organisms strictly in mathematical terms.
using the standard method of taxonomy we cannot quantify the difference between a horse and a mouse, or know which is closer mouse to cat, or mouse to fish.
Anders Andersen
For those who want a quick impression of the 'Evolution in crisis' book: